lmari’s blog

Data analytics, machine learning & front end development

Continuous deployment on Netlify


  • Followup: Gatsby with Contentful, Snipcart & Formspree
  • Troubleshooting: cannot install gatsby plugin sharp, install Desktop development with C++ workflow
  • Gatsby cannot install in x32 bit (require x64 bit node.js)


  • Sign up at github. Create new repository 
  • Sign up netify account, link to github



Create continuous deployment

Steps: New repo on github
copy remote url
git init - initialize local project
git add. - add and stage files
git commit -m 'message' - commit files
add remote url
git push -u origin master - push to github
run build on netlify and deploy site

Go to Terminal, RUN

git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin https://github.com/chanmcc/coffee-project.git

To check
git remote -v

git push -u origin master

Go to netify, link github, change name of project