fb Open Anaconda Prompt and install fbprophet conda install -c conda-forge fbprophet If kernel error occured in jupyter notebook, open Anaconda prompt and view location. Open kernal.json, see if python editor have the same path jupyter ker…
Using Python to find currency correlation. The correlation coefficient represents a statistical relationship between 2 variables. Near +1 or -1 means the currency pairs are highly correlated Useful in hedging and diversifying risk Official…
Selenium with Python — Selenium Python Bindings 2 documentation Install Beautiful Soup 4 Followup: Unable to run in sublime text. Program ran in PyCharm Read xpath Getting FB stock data from yahoo finance from bs4 import BeautifulSoupimpor…
Install python extension package (check version) TA-lib-0.4.17-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl cp37 = python 3.7, win32 = x32, amd64 = x64 mpl_finance Tutorial: Go to Anaconda installed location pip inst…
Followup: Generate epub, pdf file, display at lower left corner Find out why touch command doesn't work Sphinx Documentation Go to the root directory of the project. virtualenv -p python3 <name of virtualenv>source <name of virtualenv>/bin/activate pi</name></name>…
1. Finding Historical Prices import requests In site url, period1 is starting time, period 2 is ending time site="…
Download csv from HK Stocks csv Financial info Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3, Lesson 4,…
Jupyter Notebook: Lesson 6, Lesson 7, Lesson 8, Lesson 9, Lesson 10, Lesson 11, Lesson 12, Lesson 13, Lesson 14 Library Open documentation: Shift+Tab sho…
Data frame - main object in pandas, used to represent tabular data (rows and columns) Shortcut: B - insert new cell below / A - insert cell above Run cell - Ctrl + Enter Library: Notes: Lesson …
Install sublime text Run python commands from cmd Download to folder C:\User\Z\ python cd desktop pip install virtualenv virtualenv tryten cd tryten scripts\activate In the screen, you'll see <tryten> .\Scripts\activate pip i</tryten>…
Install numpy RUN pip install numpy scipy RUN pip install pandas sklearn (Restart program if it cannot find installed software) RUN jupyter notebook Export as html File> Download as .html Download …
First try at MatPlotLib. Created piechart and bar chart. Need to familarize the basics of MatPlotLib before moving forward. Tip: Can skip the part on specifying colors. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) …
Selenium is browser automation. The default browser is firefox. Need to change the settings in to to run selenium webdriver in Chrome browser from selenium import webdriver chromedriver = "C:\\Users\\Z\\chromedriver"driver = … Followup: Angular, Firebase and Bootstrap 4 I was hoping it could morph into something like this later: Changing display of Product object Add ProductAdmin…